Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Sá-Silva, Jackson R., et al. »Medical science and pedophilia: Knowledge, discourses, and representations of pedophilia in medical books from 1910 to 1990 in a Brazilian public library.« Children and Youth Services Review (March 31, 2024). [Info] Saar, St. Chr. »Notzucht.« Lexikon des Mittelalters. Vol. 6. Edited by Norbert Angermann et al. Munich 1993: 1298-1299. [Info] Sabarot, Olivier. »S duire: agresser ou charmer? Un aper u historique.« Ethnologie fran aise 43 (2013): 505-513. [Info] Sabat , Flocel. »Femmes et violence dans la Catalogne du XIVe si cle.« Annales du Midi 106 (1994): 277-316. [Info] Sabben, Ga lle, et al. »Young Africans social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005 2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018). [Info] Sabelus, Esther. Die wei e Sklavin: Mediale Inszenierungen von Sexualit t und Gro stadt um 1900. Berlin 2009. [Info] Sacco, Lynn. Unspeakable: Father-Daughter Incest in American History. Baltimore 2009. [Info] Sachse, Carola. »Sexuelle Gewalt und politische Macht. Ansprache zur Er ffnung der Ausstellung »Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern« in der Gedenkst tte Ravensbr ck.« Feministische Studien 25 (2007): 118-121. [Info] Sachse, Christian, et al. Sexueller Missbrauch in der DDR: Historische, rechtliche und psychologische Hintergr nde des sexuellen Missbrauchs an Kindern und Jugendlichen in der DDR. Wiesbaden 2018. [Info] Sackellares, Stephanie N. »From Bosnia to Sudan: Sexual Violence in Modern Armed Conflict.« Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 20 (2005): 137-165. [Info] S Couto, Susana, et al. »The Adjudication Process and Reasoning at the International Criminal Court: The Lubanga Trial Chamber Judgment, Sentencing and Reparations.« Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the 21st Century. Edited by Yves Haeck et al. Dordrecht 2014: 131-155. [Info] Sa'dan, Masthuriyah. »Reinterpretation of Sexual Violence Theology: Case Study of Amina Wadud s Tafsir.« Jurnal Perempuan 21 (2016). [Info] Sadikot, Minaz. International Law: The Issue of Rape. Student Thesis, H gskolan i J nk ping, 2010. [Info] Sadler, Anne G., et al. »Factors Associated With Women's Risk of Rape in the Military Environment.« American Journal of Industrial Medicine 43 (2003): 262-273. [Info] Saeed, Muhammad U., et al. »Media Framing on Coverage of Motorway Rape Incident: A Study of Cable Channels in Pakistan.« Asian Women 39 (2023): 25-45. [Info] Sa nz Rangel, Jos R. Las mujeres en los delitos sexuales: Representaciones sociales en Tamaulipas en el Porfiriato. Me?xico, D.F. 2021. [Info] Safane, Aaron M., et al. »Coker v. Georgia (1977).« New Georgia Encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Inscoe. Atlanta 2006. [Info] Saffa, Sarah N. » She Was What They Call a Pepe : Kinship Practice and Incest Codes in Late Colonial Guatemala.« Journal of Family History (December 19, 2018). [Info] Saffold, Jacinta R. »Pricing Black Girl Pain: The Cost of Black Girlhood in Street Lit.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 71-82. [Info] Safianow, Allen. »"You can t burn history". Getting right with the Klan in Noblesville, Indiana.« Indiana magazine of history 100 (2004): 109-154. [Info] Sager, Christin, et al. »Einleitung.«. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Cologne 2017: 9-16. [Info] Sager, Christin. » ENTSETZLICH, was die Kinder heute schon alles wissen d rfen. Kindliche Sexualit t, Sexualerziehung und sexualisierte Gewalt um 1968.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 218-231. [Info] Sager, Christin, et al., eds. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Cologne 2017. [Info] Sager, Robin C. Marital Cruelty in Antebellum America. Baton Rouge 2016. [Info] Saguy, Abigail C. »Employment Discrimination or Sexual Violence? Defining Sexual Harassment in American and French Law.« Law & Society Review 34 (2000): 1091-1128. [Info] Saha, Arpita. »Rape as a War Crime: The Position of International Law since World War II.« Journal of East Asia and International Law 2 (2009): 497-516. [Info] Saha, Jonathan. »The male state: Colonialism, corruption and rape investigations in the Irrawaddy Delta c.1900.« Indian Economic and Social History Review 47 (2010): 343-376. [Info] Saha, Jonathan. Law, Disorder and the Colonial State: Corruption in Burma c.1900. Basingstoke 2013. [Info] Saha, Jonathan. »Whiteness, Masculinity and the Ambivalent Embodiment of British Justice in Colonial Burma.« Cultural and Social History 14 (2017): 527-542. [Info] Sahin, Bilge. Sexual Violence Crimes and Gendered Power Relations: Bringing Justice to Women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. London 2021. [Info] Saidel, Rochelle G., et al. »Nava Semel s And the rat laughed. A tale of sexual violation.« Sexual violence against Jewish women during the Holocaust. Edited by Sonja M. Hedgepeth et al. Waltham 2010. [Info] Saidel, Rochelle G., et al., eds. Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust. Hanover 2010. [Info] Saidel, Rochelle G., et al., eds. Violated! Women in Holocaust & Genocide - Group Art Exhibition. New York 2018. [Info] Saidi, Zoulikha. »Jessica Jones, A.K.A.: A Representation of the Me-too movement.« Aleph (May 2, 2024). [Info] Saidullah, Jawahara K. »Shakti-The Power of the Mother: The Violent Nurturer in Indian Mythology and Commercial Cinema.« Canadian Women Studies 13 (1992): 37-41. [Info] Saikia, Yasmin. »War as History, Humanity in Violence: Men, Women, and Memories of 1971, East Pakistan/Bangladesh.« Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 152-169. [Info] Saikia, Yasmin. Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971. Durham 2011. [Info] Saito, Natsu T., et al. »The Fallacy of Contract in Sexual Slavery: A Response to Ramseyer's "Contracting for Sex in the Pacific W acific War".« Michigan Journal of International Law 42 (2021): 291-319. [Info] Sajor, Indai L, ed. Common Grounds: Violence against Women in War and Armed Conflict Situations. Quezon City 1998. [Info] Sakamoto, Rumi. »The Women s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan s Military Sexual Slavery. A legal and feminist approach to the comfort women issue.« New Zealand journal of Asian studies 3 (2001): 49-58. [Info] Sakamoto, Rumi. »Pan-pan girls. Humiliating liberation in postwar Japanese literature.« Portal 7 (2010): 15 pages. [Info] Sakhrani, Monica. »Reading Rape Post Mathura.« Indian Journal of Gender Studies 23 (2016): 260-285. [Info] Salas Aus ns, Jos A., et al. »Culpable hasta que se demuestre lo contrario: El estupro ante los tribunales eclesi sticos de Arag n en el siglo XVIII.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 213-251. [Info] Sala n, lise. Oser ros: L rotisme dans le roman qu b cois des origines nos jours. Qu bec 2010. [Info] Sale, Carolyn J. Contested acts. Legal performances and literary authority in early modern England. Ann Arbor 2002. [Info] Sale, Carolyn. »Representing Lavinia. The (in)significance of women s consent in legal discourses of rape and ravishment and Shakespeare s Titus Andronicus.« Women, violence, and English Renaissance literature. Essays honoring Paul Jorgensen. Edited by Linda Woodbridge et al. Tempe 2003: 1-27. [Info] Salehi Babamiri, Navid, et al. »The Technology of Sexual and Language Power resulting in Captivity in Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale: Foucauldian Reading.« Journal of Academic and Applied Studies 5 (2015): 1-11. [Info] Saliba, Maur cio G. »Feridas da alma: An lise da tipifica o do estupro como genoc dio luz de uma criminologia feminista.« Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais No. 73 (2018): 479-504. [Info] Salih, Dima. Through the Lens of ISIS: The Portrayal of the Female Enemy and Sexual Violence in ISIS Online Magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah. Master Thesis, University of Helsinki, 2019. [Info] Salih, Elaff G., et al. »Wartime Women Rape: A Means of Moral Attack and Emasculation in Lynn Nottage s Ruined.« International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 5 (2016): 113-120. [Info] Salim, Rana. Cultural Identity and Self-presentation in Ancient Egyptian Fictional Narratives: An Intertextual Study of Narrative Motifs from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 2013. [Info] Salinas Meza, Ren . »Violencias sexuales e interpersonales en Chile tradicional.« Revista de historia social y de las mentalidades No. 4 (2000): 13-49. [Info] Salinas Meza, Ren , et al. »Amor, violencia y pasi n en el Chile tradicional, 1700-1850.« Anuario colombiano de historia social y de la cultura 24 (1997): 237-268. [Info] Salinas V squez, Daniela. El estupro de Rita Toledo: Las representaciones y el uso del cuerpo femenino en las fuentes judiciales de Chile Colonial. Santiago, 1774. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018. [Info] Salisbury, Eve. »Chaucer s "Wife," the law, and the Middle English Breton lays.« Domestic violence in medieval texts. Edited by Eve Salisbury et al. Gainesville 2002: 73-93. [Info] Salize, Hans-Joachim, et al. »Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church and other institutions: An literature review.« neuropsychiatrie (April 12, 2017). [Info] Salize, Hans-Joachim, et al. Sexueller Missbrauch an Minderj hrigen durch katholische Priester, Diakone und m nnliche Ordensangeh rige im Bereich der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz. Mannheim 2018. [Info] Salize, Hans-Joachim, et al. »Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Clergy: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Its Extent and Health Consequences for Affected Minors (the MHG Study).« Deutsches rzteblatt International 116 (2019): 389-396. [Info] Salize, Hans-Joachim, et al. »Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern durch katholische Priester seit 2009: Verlauf und relative H ufigkeit im Vergleich zur m nnlichen Allgemeinbev lkerung.« Psychiatrische Praxis 46 (2019): 256-262. [Info] Salter, Brent, et al. »From Pluralism to Territorial Sovereignty: The 1816 Trial of Mow-watty in the Superior Court of New South Wales.« Indigenous Law Journal 7 (2008): 67-86. [Info] Salter, Daren. »Scottsboro Trials.« Encyclopedia of Alabama. Auburn 2008. [Info] Salter, Michael. Organised Sexual Abuse. New York 2013. [Info] Salter, Michael. »Abuse and Cruelty in Religious Bureaucracy: The Case of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle.« Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 243-255. [Info] Saltzstein, Jennifer. »Rape and Repentance in Two Medieval Motets.« Journal of the American Musicological Society 70 (2017): 583-616. [Info] Saluja, Anshu. »Gendered erasures in memory: Silencing of cases of sexual violence in 1984.« Sikh Formations (August 3, 2024). [Info] Salvi, Cecilia M., et al., eds. Gender Violence in Peace and War: States of Complicity. New Brunswick 2016. [Info] Salvini, Elisabetta, et al. »La violenza sulle donne, dal tab storiografico alle nuove ricerche. L Italia 1943-45.« Dalle storie alla Storia. La dittatura, la guerra, le privazioni, la paura nel vissuto delle donne e degli inermi. Edited by Bruna Franceschini. Brescia 2007: 81-118. [Info] Saly, Antoinette. »La demoiselle esforci e dans le roman arthurien.« Amour, mariage et transgressions au Moyen ge. Actes du colloque des 24, 25, 26 et 27 mars 1983. Edited by Danielle Buschinger et al. G ppingen 1984: 215-224. [Info] Salzano, Giulia, et al., eds. »Nanchino 1937. Il diario e la corrispondenza di Minnie Vautrin.« Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 199-210. [Info] Salzman, Todd. »"Rape camps," forced impregnation, and ethnic cleansing. Religious, cultural, and ethical responses to rape victims in the former Yugoslavia.« War s dirty secret. Rape, prostitution, and other crimes against women. Edited by Anne L. Barstow. Cleveland 2000: 63-91. [Info] Samard ija Mari?, Tena. Pathologie der Intimbeziehungen in ausgew hlten Romanen von Elfriede Jelinek. Diplomski rad, Sveu?ili te u Zagrebu, 2020. [Info] Samiou, Antigone. »Le violence sexiste et le féminicide dans l'œuvre mirabellienne.« Cahiers Octave Mirbeau No. 30 (2023): 207-224. [Info] Sammet, Kai. »Mehr Freiheit wagen? Cyproteronacetat, Sexualstraft ter und das "Gesetz ber die freiwillige Kastration und andere Behandlungsmethoden" 1960 bis 1975.« Medizinhistorisches Journal 40 (2005): 51-78. [Info] Sample, Lisa L., et al. »Narrative Stories of Wartime Rape Victims: The Deconstruction of Lived Experiences in the Balkan Conflict.« Violence and Gender 1 (2014): 53-59. [Info] Sample, Lisa L., et al. »Collective Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Sierra Leone: A Comparative Case Study Analysis.« International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 61 (2017): 1075-1098. [Info] Samples, Susann. »The rape of Ginover in Heinrich von dem T rlin s Diu Cr ne.« Arthurian romance and gender. Masculin/f minin dans le roman arthurien m di val. Geschlechterrollen im mittelalterlichen Artusroman. Selected proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress. Edited by Friedrich Wolfzettel. Amsterdam 1995: 196-205. [Info] Sampsel, Kari, et al. »A 15-Year Population-Based Investigation of Sexual Assault Cases Across the Province of Ontario, Canada, 2002 2016.« American Journal of Public Health 109 (2019): 1280-1287. [Info] Samuelson, Meg. »The rainbow womb. Rape and race in South African fiction of the transition.« Kunapipi 24 (2002): 88-100. [Info] Samuelson, Meg. »Fictional representations of rape in South African fiction of the transition.« Africa, Europe, and post-colonialism. Racism, migration and disapora in African literatures. Edited by Susan Arndt et al. Bayreuth 2006: 183-193. [Info] San Roque, Mehera R. Popular Trials/Criminal Fictions/Celebrity Feminism and the Bernardo/Homolka Case. Master Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1999. [Info] Sanchez, Melissa E. »Seduction and service in The Tempest.« Studies in philology 105 (2008): 50-82. [Info] S nchez, Olga A., et al. A n el Estado colombiano no repara a las mujeres v ctimas de la violencia sexual: 2010 2014. Bogota 2016. [Info] S nchez G mez, Olga A., et al. Encuesta de Prevalencia de violencia sexual en contra de las mujeres en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano 2010-2015. Bogota 2017. [Info] Sánchez Magallanes, Alvaro G. La representación de la violencia en el cine peruano: Análisis de tres películas entre el periodo 1985 al 2015. Tesis, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, 2024. [Info] Sánchez Martínez, César F., et al. »“El furor de quien no puede sasiar sus deprabados deseos”: he Two Lives of Juan Antonio Montenegro (1782–1854), Priest and Historian in Southern Peru: A Paradigmatic Case of Clerical Sexual Transgression.« International Journal of Latin American Religions (October 31, 2024). [Info] S nchez Parra, Tatiana. Children Born as a Consequence of Wartime Sexual Violence: Subverting Structures of Discrimination. M.A. Thesis, University of Essex, 2012. [Info] S nchez Su rez, Jos A. »Mujer y violencia. Violaci n, estupro, malos tratos y asesinatos a comienzos del siglo XIX.« De la ilustraci n al romanticismo. VII encuentro: La mujer en los siglos XVIII y XIX. C diz, Am rica y Europa ante la modernidad. Edited by Cinta Canterla Gonz lez. C diz 1994: 347-352. [Info] S nchez-Arcilla Bernal, Jos . »Violaci n y estupro. Un ensayo para la historia de los "tipos" del derecho penal.« Anuario Mexicano de Historia del Derecho 22 (2010): 485-562. [Info] S nchez-Arcilla Bernal, Jos . »Fondos del Archivo General de la Naci n de la ciudad de M xico: Los libros de reos y las cuerdas de reos como fuentes para el estudio de la criminalidad en la Nueva Espa a a fines del periodo colonial.« Clio & Crimen No. 10 (2013): 155-175. [Info] S nchez-Garcia, Inmaculada N. »Sex, lies, and the handkerchief: Immigration and sexploitation in Catalan Otel lo (2012).« Cahiers lisab thains (January 18, 2019). [Info] S nchez-Labella Mart n, Immaculada, et al. »Masculinity and Rape in Spanish Cinema: Representation and Collective Imaginary.« Masculinities and Social Change 10 (2021): 25-53. [Info] Sancho, Nelia, et al., eds. War crimes on Asian women. Military sexual slavery by Japan during World War II: The case of the Filipino comport women. Manila 1993. [Info] Sancho, Nelia. »The comfort women system during World War II. Asian women as targets of mass rape and sexual slavery by Japan.« Gender and catastrophe. Edited by Ronit Lentin. London 1997: 144-153. [Info] Sancho, Nelia, ed. War crimes on Asian women. Military sexual slavery by Japan during World War II: The case of the Filipino comport women, part II. Manila 1998. [Info] Sanday, Peggy R. »The socio-cultural context of rape.« Journal of social issues 37 (1981): 5-27. 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[Info] Santos, Jolly H., et al. »Risk Factors Associated with Domestic Violence and Homicidal Violence of Women: The Case of Yucatan, Mexico.« Psychology 7 (2016): 62-73. [Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Vergewaltigung: Aspekte eines Verbrechens. Hamburg 2016. [Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo. London 2019. [Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Vergewaltigung: Aspekte eines Verbrechens. Hamburg 2020. [Info] Saqlain, Murshid, et al. »Geographical Clusters of Rape in the United States: 2000-2012.« Statistics and Public Policy (September 18, 2015). [Info] Sar, Vedat, et al. »The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 17-21. [Info] Sar, Vedat, et al. »Institutional abuse and societal silence: An emerging global problem.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 22-25. [Info] Sarai, Sarbjeet K. 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